The Imagination Station

Print these nine story-poems below for your child to illustrate.

The Principle: The act of illustrating and interpreting a story through imagination is one of the joys of reading. In addition, illustrating a story promotes the development of the following literacy skills:

  1. stimulates creativity
  2. encourages visualization
  3. strengthens attentive listening for detail
  4. promotes the recall of detail
  5. orders the sequence of events
  6. interprets character attitude, emotion, and tone
  7. analyzes cause and effect
  8. supports literal comprehension (“The car was red.”)
  9. supports interpretive comprehension (answering who, what, where, when, why … “the sun was peeking over the hill as Billy crawled from under the covers.” When? It was morning, although the sentence never actually said that it was morning.)
  10. supports critical comprehension (Was the story real or make-believe? “Could this have happened?”)
  11. supports creative comprehension (Have your child continue the story beyond the author’s presentation. “What do you think happened next, the following week, …?”

Directions: Print the text from these story-poems below IN LANDSCAPE MODE. Read each to your child, giving him the opportunity to illustrate the content.

Do You Ever Wonder?

My Dad

The Delivery Man

School Worries

A to Z

I Love My Teacher!

I Still Love My Teacher!

– End –